Lynn began life as the daughter of a Protestant Cannon in the West
of Ireland. Growing up in the aftermath of the great famine she was
deeply affected by the abject poverty and disease that continued to
ravage the lives of the local people. She was only sixteen years old
when she made the decision to be a doctor.
She became part of a circle of revolutionary Republicans, forming
deep bonds with the Socialist leader James Connolly and the wildly
flamboyant Countess Marchievicz. Their dream was to free Ireland of
British rule and with it all forms of oppression, be it based on gender,
social or religious bios. It was a notion that Kathleen Lynn carried
with her for the rest of her life.
When Connolly formed the Irish Citizen Army (ICA) in 1913 he elected
Kathleen to be the Chief Medical Officer, and for the next few years
she provided medical training to recruits of the ICA and was active
in the smuggling of arms in preparation for the uprising.
fateful day arrived on Easter Sunday 1916 with just a few hundred
rebels placing Dublin under siege. It was an organisational disaster
with miscommunication creating a state of confusion that caused many
from the allied rebel organisations to stay away.
The Easter Rising, though a disaster in itself, sparked an enormous
resurgence in Irish Nationalism and on her return from exile Kathleen
joined Sinn Fein, the political party led by Arthur Griffith, which
now served as an umbrella for all wings of the nationalist cause.
It was through this that Kathleen and her long time lover Madeline
ffrench Mullen came to form St. Ultan's Hospital for infants. At the
time World War 1 was drawing to a close and Ireland was preparing
for an estimated 15,000 soldiers to return from the country infected
with syphilis.
Kathleen led a national campaign to have the soldiers tested before
re-entry but as this was a disease that was only likely to infect
the prostitutes of Dublin's slums, the British authorities refused
to take any action. It was in response to this, that the decision
was made to start a hospital dedicated to helping the syphilitic babies,
born diseased as a result of negligence by an unwelcome ruler.
Despite all this Kathleen was arrested again and threatened with deportation,
but by this time a new scourge had hit Dublin, one that was not limited
to the working classes. It was called the Spanish Flu, and in a few
short months took the lives of more than 18,000 people in the city.
Streets were lined with dead bodies, hundreds lay in open graves awaiting
burial, and doctors were in chronic short supply.
Dublin's Lord Mayor headed the petition to save Kathleen from deportation,
calling her "innocent as a new born babe." Her family too, despite
their disgust at her political standpoint, joined in the drive to
save her from imprisonment. In the end Kathleen made a promise to
King and Country, never to involve herself in politics again in return
for her freedom. Needless to say, she never kept that promise.
Once the flu began to subside, the hospital returned its energies
to that of saving the lives of young babies and the business of staffing
the hospital got underway. The team she hired was almost exclusively
female, with only visiting consultants being men. Gender was not the
only common denominator; most of the nursing staff and many of the
doctors were known Republican activists.
The treaty between Ireland and Britain fell far short of Kathleen's
aspirations because it divided North and South, providing a new free
state with only 26 counties instead of the entire 32. The nationalist
contingent was split over the issue, giving rise to a bitter, violent,
civil war that was to last several years.
Despite her involvement with the war, Kathleen was essentially a deeply
religious woman with a hatred of bloodshed and possessed of a genuine
desire for lasting peace. Far into the war, at a point when up to
25,000 male and female anti treaty citizens were imprisoned under
horrendous conditions, Kathleen was a leader in the organisation of
major prayer rallies, designed to bring the war to an end.
In 1929, Kathleen and St. Ultan's founded the world famous Irish Sweepstakes
alongside three other voluntary hospitals. However the new source
of revenue prompted the Government to halt all forms of State support.
When the Sweepstake fund reached £2 million the State insisted on
all monies to be directed through a Government account. By 1943, the
State had officially sequestered all the Sweepstake funds using all
of them to support their own schemes.
In January 1935, Kathleen and St. Ultan's began pursuing an amalgamation
with another children's hospital with the aim of becoming the National
Children's hospital. The process was begun with enthusiasm but gradually
opposition appeared and one by one the members turned against the
idea. It was not until August of that year that Kathleen realised
that the Catholic Church were behind the problem with the infamous
Archbishop McQuaid at the helm.
In the wider scheme of things, McQuaid and his Catholic position was
taking its toll amongst all the voluntary bodies, especially those
run by non-Catholics. Mysteriously, Dublin Corporation withdrew its
support from organisations running charity food halls as well as hospitals.
More than thirty Dublin organisations were in the same boat, and the
new situation ensured that the extension to St. Ultan's was never
In the early '40s St. Ultan's began a plan to bring a new vaccination
for tuberculosis into Ireland and to build a new unit on their grounds
to implement it. The Hospital Commission flatly refused to fund the
project despite the fact that the disease was killing 4,000 people
every year in the country. Kathleen overcame this by raising the funds
from private sources and Dublin Corporation finally relented some
small relief by providing a small sum towards building the extension.
The following month St. Ultan's got yet another shock that was to
have far reaching consequences. They received an official order from
the Ministry of Health not to take any Gas Enteritis cases. This was
very significant because apart from TB, Gas Enteritis was the main
illness treated at St. Ultan's at that time.
The TB unit finally opened in May 1945 but all felt very aware of
the threat to survival caused by various methods within Government
bodies. The battle continued in the effort to bring the TB vaccine
BCG into the country. The brilliant Dr. Dorothy Price, who by now
has earned an international reputation for the treatment of TB, headed
the campaign. St. Ultan's had two major obstacles to overcome, firstly
to obtain the license from Sweden to use the vaccine and secondly
to get the government's support on the matter.
Despite the high death rate from TB, the government was extremely
reticent about its treatment and came out publicly in the autumn of
1946 saying that St. Ultan's proposed BCG scheme was unnecessary.
Whether their position came from the camp that wanted St. Ultan's
closed down or if it was because they genuinely didn't see TB as a
problem has yet to be researched.
By 1949, St. Ultan's were finally granted the license to issue the
BCG vaccine. Kathleen went to visit the Minister for Health, Noel
Browne, to try and enlist his support on the issue. He gave permission
for them to go ahead but insisted that they take full responsibility
for its distribution and he also demanded that they were also financially
oblige to sponsor it.
It was only a matter of days following this meeting that the minister
publicly announced his new BCG scheme, a move obviously designed to
take credit for St. Ultan's efforts. Kathleen and the hospital made
no moves to point this out; they were not in a position to do so.
On the 20th May 1949, Noel Brown opened the new unit. The scheme proved
to be a total success and was the first step toward the total eradication
of TB in Ireland. Interestingly, Noel Browne failed to mention St.
Ultan's role with regard to the BCG in his autobiography.
The BCG unit continued well for the next few years and received very
good publicity for the hospital and in June 1953, their success was
evident when the British Minister for Health visited the unit.
However, controversy raised its head once again in 1953, when the
government sent a letter ordering the BCG unit to be closed down.
The move caused a public outcry and the Government claimed that the
whole thing was a misunderstanding. The unit was reopened however
and the Government continued to cause problems for them by withholding
the finance.
Dr. Kathleen Lynn died in 1955 of old age. She was as controversial
in death as she was in life, her presence a reminder of the sharp
divides within the Irish State. At her funeral, the presiding minister
called her a mean woman, whilst her former friend and foe, Eamonn
DeValera stood outside to pay his last respects, he risked excommunication
if he entered the Protestant Church.
She was given a full military funeral but it is doubtful that she
would have wanted it. She was so disgusted with the new Ireland that
she never bothered attending celebrations the day Ireland officially
became a republic in 1949.
In an ironic twist it was Eamonn DeValera who set up the "Kathleen
Lynn Memorial Committee" which ran for eight years. Its result was
a new £7000 surgical unit opened in St. Ultan's Hospital on November
1964 by the then Minister for Health Mr. Sean MacEntee. The President,
Mr Eamonn DeValera sat in the audience.
St. Ultan's closed its doors for the last time in 1975, difficulties
in getting funding made it impossible to continue. It is now a private
clinic. |